Wednesday, December 28, 2011

For the past several months, I have been determined to begin blogging again, but have continually run into excuses (some genuine, others... I was just being lazy.)  Tonight, I will finally cross this off of my to-do list!

It took me a while to decide on a theme for the blog.  Those of you who know me are aware that I took a leap of faith and started a new job earlier this year, helping to start an instructional technology and professional development department for a company that has a large customer base in the K-12 and higher education markets.  For the past several months, my life basically revolves around work, sleep, the occasional workout, and if I can squeeze it in, my guilty pleasure - playing Call of Duty on Xbox live.  Yes, you read that last part correctly.  With the majority of my time spent thinking about building this department, I spend a lot of time thinking about the current state of education and where I feel it needs to go in order to be successful for today's (and tomorrow's) students.  So I decided to base this blog around some of the gaps that currently exist in education and what needs to be done to bridge these gaps.  Hence, the name of my blog.

So, what gaps do I think we need to bridge to prepare our students for tomorrow's world?  Here is my list:
  1. Curriculum and IT
  2. Teachers and students
  3. Classrooms around the globe
  4. Schools and their community
Can you think of any to add to the list?  Or have any thoughts on any listed above?  Would love to hear your take!

I'm off to find my motivation to continue sharing my thoughts and continue this blog.  Thanks for taking the time to visit!